Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Dictatorship of the Ordinary

Coming Out of the Cage of Routine - chapter 3 of Mark Batterson's Wild Goose Chase. Here are some of my favorite quotes.

...we take constants for granted.

God is the ultimate constant. (42)

...the sacred becomes routine.

We need to change our routine, take some risks, and try new things. (44)

...if you let routine rule your life, you'll never get where the Wild Goose wants you to go. (45)

One name for God in rabbinical literature is The Place.

The holy ground wasn't the Promised Land. It was right where Moses was standing.

...the inaudible yet unmistakable voice of God. (47)

...have a natural tendency to remember what we should forget and forget what we should remember. (48)

Their (the disciples) experience was four-dimensional, while ours is one-dimensional. (49)

When god wants us to experience a change in perspective, He often does it via a change in scenery.

Change of place + change of pace = change of perspective.

New places open us up to new experiences. (50)

I don't believe in coincidence. I believe in providence. (52) you start is not nearly as important as how you finish.

It seems like I have to run faster and faster just stay in the same place.

You know what you really need? A stop-doing list! (53)

What are your primary God-ordained passions? [question derived from this page] (54)

The way you speed up is by slowing down. (55)

Hurry kills everything from compassion to creativity.

No room for Spirit-led spontaneity. (57)

...spritual maturity - moment by moment sensitivity to the promptings of the Holy Spirit.

When we learn how and forget why, we start going through the motions spiritually. (58)

...people stop thinking about the lyrics of a song after singing it thirty times.

We need new words, new postures, new thoughts, and new feelings. (59)

We need to inject a little imagination into our prayers. [derived from page 60]

Small changes in routine can result in radical change. (63)

Moses' staff symbolized his physical, financial, and relational security. It was also part of his identity.

Who you are isn't the issue; the issue is whose you are. (65)

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